Screening, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting

Flexibility Screening

During my flexibility segment in both Phase 1 and Phase IV described under the "Training Plan" tab, I will conduct a flexibility screening. My Test Week is also identified under the "Annual Periodized Training Program" tab. During this screening, I will conduct both upper body and lower body flexibility tests.

Upper Body

Shoulder Extension
Shoulder Flexion

*both measurements taken using a goniometer

Lower Body

Hip Flexion
Hip Extension

*both measurements taken using a goniometer

V Sit-and-Reach

**All measurements follow ACSM guidelines.

Strength Screening

During my strength screening I will test four exercises for 1 Repetition Max (1RM), and one exercise for a Multiple Repetition Max (MRM). During speed segments in Phase 1 and Phase 4 of the off-season, I will also test speed and agility using drills and exercises from the NFL Combine. I will test at the start of Phase 1 and the end of Phase IV as described under "Training Plan." Furthermore, the "Annual Periodized Training Program" tab depicts testing sessions and dates.


Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Hang Clean



Other Max Tests

Vertical Jump
3-Cone (NFL Combine)
5-10-5 (NFL Combine)

Monitoring and Feedback

Because my off-season is only two months long, I will only have eight weeks to produce desired results. After following the program described under "Training Plan," my athlete should see increased values in all the exercises described above. Both the flexibility and strength components for my athlete should produce increased results. Based on the "Needs Analysis," my athlete should see significant improvements in overall strength and agility. The strength and agility specific tests at the beginning and end of the off-season will reflect these improvements.

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